News Aggregation API
Get real-time news headlines from top news sources with our News Aggregation API. Choose topics and easily add current, relevant news to any web application.
Get real-time news headlines from top news sources with our News Aggregation API. Choose topics and easily add current, relevant news to any web application.
News search, discovery, and analysis powered by natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) technologies. Get curated news feeds based on topic for your own site or application.
Our advanced news discovery algorithms give you a unique and curated news experience for each individual use case. Using this powerful NLP tool to discover and aggregate news can enhance any application with relevant content.
Our News Aggregation tool makes use of both advanced NLP and state-of-the-art ML algorithms to analyze available news through a scalable and secure RESTful API.
We monitor hundreds of high-quality news outlets in real-time to provide as deep and flexible news feeds as possible. Our tool can adapt to your needs and discover content in a way that fits your specific content needs.
Currently available topics include: trending/headlines, astronomy, business, economy, entertainment, environment, food, health, movies, music, politics, science, sports, technology, & travel.